WFH vs. RTW: Links to the 9 posts October 12 2022 Yep, I started with a trilogy and ended up with 9 posts. A few people have said, “What if I miss one?”. I don’t think of that as a normal risk per se, but sure, I can do a single post with all nine linked… WFH vs. RTW, part 1: Something to talk about WFH vs. RTW, part 2: A baseline year… WFH vs. RTW, part 3: The research (mostly) shows… WFH vs. RTW, part 4: It’s not about Subway WFH vs. RTW, part 5: If an employee falls in an empty office, does anyone hear it? WFH vs. RTW, part 6: If management is left to their own devices WFH vs. RTW, part 7: No black swans required WFH vs. RTW, part 8: A rare Call to Action WFH vs. RTW, part 9: It’s showtime! Related posts: WFH vs. RTW, part 6: If management is left to their own devices WFH vs. RTW, part 7: No black swans required WFH vs. RTW, part 4: It’s not about Subway Stargazing 2019, outing #22 – Outing to the AstroPontiac Observatory